Hyeri reveals an American airline downgraded her from first class to economy without a refund

Article: Hyeri, "I booked first class but was forced into economy" American airline under controversy

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

[+1,323, -6] Seems like they thought she'd be an easy target because she's Asian to dump the overbooking issue on.. Too bad the "easy Asian" they targeted ended up being quite a famous celebrity in our country. Hyeri got the short end of the stick here but Delta is really going to pay for it ㅋ

[+318, -2] Are they crazy? No refunds? So they made her ride in economy for first class prices?

[+268, -5] It's an issue that comes up when airlines overbook... but they should've still paid her for the difference in price between economy and first class ㅠㅠ

[+223, -6] I'm surprised Delta hasn't gone bankrupt yet

[+161, -5] Something smells fishy... like they thought they could get away with treating her like that because she's Asian

[+66, -0] That's theft in broad daylight~ the least they could do is refund her the difference

[+34, -1] I always did hear rumors that airlines would pick the easy minorities to dump overbooking cancellations on....

[+25, -1] Yeah, normally overbooking issues are compensated with a refund. She got screwed in this deal.

[+18, -0] They probably thought she was some young and naive Korean kid they could rob ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+412] She's fortunate enough to be famous where she can get the media on this, but I bet this happens way too frequently to regular people who just have to shut up and eat the costs

[+142] ㅎㅎ That sounds about right for an American airline... I have never had one US flight where something didn't go wrong, and I refuse to take any more with them. They lost my luggage twice and refused to compensate me for any of it, forced me on to a different flight because they overbooked my original flight, downgraded my business seat to economy on that next flight, and when I made a complaint about it, the flight attendants acted like they were going to kick me off the plane 😂😂😂 I have zero good memories with them... 

[+159] Yeah, sounds like a case of overbooking... and the airline abusing their power towards her, tsk tsk tsk

[+35] It sounds like Delta overbooked

[+43] Eh??? Hul, why wouldn't they refund her, though?

[+22] Has to be Delta or United

[+20] It's 100% Delta, I can tell without even looking

[+15] As expected of Delta

[+4] Anyone smell that Delta around here?

[+7] I saw another YouTuber go through an overbooking issue, seems like this is common with foreign airlines ㅜ

[+9] This is a normal part of booking with American airlines
