'Unanswered Questions viewer board frozen due to onslaught of criticisms of biased report on Fifty Fifty

Article: Fifty Fifty members' families, "I'd rather they quit singing than go back to that company"

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,501] Everyone in the media is criticizing the way 'Unanswered Questions' chose to handle this episode, and even producers within their same industry are openly criticizing them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I thought the episode was going to be about fact-checking, so imagine my surprise when the members were sitting there reading their handwritten letters... The producers are insane for allowing this.

[+1,125] Well, it's happening, just like you wanted. You're never going to be singers again. Congratulations. 

[+1,086] 'Unanswered Questions' is getting hate because of how ill-informed their episode was yesterday. Fact-checking is so important for a show like this and yet all they focused on was the emotions of the matter. 

[+811] I was wondering why they suddenly released handwritten letters the other day and it was because they knew 'Unanswered Questions' was produced with their bias...

[+545] 'Unanswered Questions' failed to stay neutral and appealed more to the emotions of the group than the facts. I'm sorry but it's best for this group to halt promos indefinitely...

[+531] It's not that you won't go back to singing if you don't win this lawsuit, it's that you'll never be allowed to. Don't blame anyone else for it. 

[+298] Anyone else catch the 'Unanswered Questions' episode last night? I started watching in the middle and I kept thinking "why am I bothering with this?" The episode missed a few things in their reporting like the copyright registrations. Army fans should also really be up in arms right now because they randomly dragged in BTS' name for no reason as well. 


Article: 'Unanswered Questions' spotlights the Fifty Fifty scandal, criticized for being based on emotions over facts

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+235] They claim that artists should have the ability to pick their own producers... and yet, did any of them ever have the skills to even be able to pick producers from YG, SM, Hybe, or JYP? ㅋㅋㅋ especially when one of your members has been known for missing debuts here and there before finally landing at Attrakt as a last-ditch effort? ㅋㅋㅋ You're really saying you think you should have a right to pick your producer? ㅋㅋ Then pay back the investments your CEO already made in you. Whose money do you think paid for your English lessons? ㅋㅋㅋ Whose money do you think paid for your Gangnam luxury dorms? ㅋㅋㅋ The only "right" you're demanding is the right to be backstabbers ㅋㅋㅋ 

[+215] Shows like this need to just stick to the facts, and yet they played the episode like some charity show that needs to appeal to emotions to get the viewer invested. Reading the letters at the end... just made me change the channel. I'm sure anyone who doesn't know anything about the idol industry might fall for this stuff but everyone knows what idols go through, so for them to act all sad and hurt about what they had to do when every idol goes through that... it's time that this show ends its time on air is all I'm going to say 🔥 It's clear the PD wants to switch to drama writing

[+46] How much was the show even paid to put out such a biased report??

[+27] You know what I want to know? Whether someone on the production team at 'Unanswered Questions' is a close friend of the members ㅋㅋ "We have a right to pick our own agecy" ㅋㅋ yeah, get off air 🔥🔥🔥

[+17] 'Unanswered Questions' isn't what it used to be anymore~ 


Source: Issue King TV via YouTube

[+339] Fifty Fifty is now even dragging 'Unanswered Questions' down with them...... their power

[+299] Quite the biased episode that made me question the neutrality of all their previous work

[+290] My parents don't keep up with idol news so when they saw this episode, they thought that Fifty Fifty were the innocent ones..

[+228] The whole episode was basically a play on emotions and an attempt at making them look like victims

[+175] I can't help but wonder how many other victims got their story all wrong by 'Unanswered Questions' now

[+172] How much was the producer paid that they so blatantly distorted the truth that the entire country already knows to put out such a biased episode? 

[+91] The real 'unknown mystery' is why 'Unanswered Questions' put out such a biased episode

[+88] I don't know how much they were paid to air this but congratulations on ruining the decades of credibility you've built up for them

[+55] Stuff like this makes you realize why CEOs aren't so nice to idols and trainees 

[+26] No mention of any of the important stuff like their copyright registration... but they included a fan interview.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why was that included? And the play on emotions by having them read the letters in the end... quite the daebak scheme


Source: Naver

[+1,225, -4] Made me wonder if the episode was produced with The Givers funding...

[+850, -8] All I'm wondering is how many people had their stories told completely wrong on this show?

[+504, -4] We sent the 'Unanswered Questions' PD to report on the issue only for him to return after being gaslit 😑 😑

[+328, -0] There must be someone on the PD team who is related to Fifty Fifty for sure. They didn't fact check any of the claims ㅋㅋㅋ 

[+223, -1] Yesterday's episode was ridiculous and a taint on the image of the show's history of reporting the facts like it is. They proved to be even less competent than YouTubers who make videos off of rumors. An episode full of facts that weren't checked, a plea on emotions with no evidence, just a bunch of rumors about who said what about the idol industry... All of this just made me wonder how many more stories did they get wrong in the previous episodes?


Source: Naver

[+2,082, -21] I changed the channel because I got so mad. It's over for this show. It was one of the only shows left worth trusting, but all they did was cry about emotions instead of report on any facts.

[+1,238, -8] I don't understand why they think they don't have to pay back the 4-5 years that were invested in them... Who do they think they are to receive all these investments for free and get paid as soon as they hit fame..? Why would anyone invest in idols if that was the case?

[+1,178, -4] So one of them claimed they had several seizures from panic attacks, was hospitalized after fainting, woke up to oxygen masks... Why wasn't there hospital records submitted as evidence? What caused the panic attack? Shouldn't there have been a record trail of these attacks when she was a trainee, especially since it's only been a few months since she debuted? 

[+912, -8] This episode made me realize that I need to watch this show with a more critical eye. I now feel bad for the people in the previous episodes who may not have been depicted completely factually.

[+873, -3] The episode made them out to seem like they're extremely special idols, but the majority of idols are all on various diets to reach that debut stage. It seems like they just picked something to call "abusive" so they could have an excuse to leave. Since when should idols be given the right to "choose" their own agencies like they're claiming when they signed a contract that hasn't even expired yet...?
