Sulli rings in the New Year with a wild party

Article: "Armpit pictures, beyond imagination" Sulli's provocative New Year party

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+612, -28] She should not be allowed to promote as a celebrity anymore at this point, no?

2. [+566, -27] This isn't free-spirited, this is 'promiscuous'

3. [+443, -29] These pictures are enough to kick her out of the industry, no?

4. [+62, -6] I feel like some orgy went on there...

5. [+61, -5] Is she mentally challenged? These pictures look like screencaps from a porno;; she's really stretching her limits, isn't she?

6. [+47, -6] Is that a guy on top of her in one of the pictures?? ㅋㅋ

7. [+44, -2] Is that underwear in the third picture..?

8. [+42, -5] I want to see her parents... With pictures like these, she looks better off in the adult industry than celebrity. I really hope she gets her mental health checked.

9. [+35, -2] She's seriously got mental health problems or she's on drugs

10. [+33, -5] Gross, she looks like she smells

11. [+31, -6] I think it's understandable that she can party like this but I don't know why she would share it on SNS... for attention?? Because it looks sad, the way she's begging for attention...

12. [+27, -3] What the, she looks like a mental person!!! That facial expression in the fourth picture, she's totally feeling it, isn't she? I wouldn't be surprised if she released a porno at this rate. She's embarrassing the celebrity title ㅋ

13. [+27, -4] There are more pictures on her Instagram and they all look high ㅋㅋ

14. [+25, -0] Is Sulli on drugs? Is it possible to take these pictures sober?

15. [+23, -0] Is this a New Year's party or a drug party;;;;;;


Source: Naver

1. [+2,263, -49] But really, what's wrong with her?

2. [+860, -60] She's not sane... she really needs to be kept separate for the sake of society

3. [+750, -22] I wonder if she's on drugs

4. [+583, -22] She's been quiet for a while but here she is back again

5. [+151, -3] I think she needs treatments... These are not pictures any normal person would share...


Source: Naver

1. [+2,062, -74] Mental issues

2. [+946, -30] All you need are pretty looks. Then it won't matter how psycho you are, you'll still have hundreds of thousands of fans defending you... She debuted at such a young age with nothing but her looks and no talent and fans defending her all the time that she fails to relate to reality anymore...

3. [+643, -26] Objectively speaking, these aren't normal actions...

4. [+621, -33] Imagine how embarrassing it'll be later when she gets older and other celebrity peers are remembered for their impressive list of filmography but she's remembered for pictures like these ㅋㅋ Please keep these pictures to yourself..

5. [+181, -5] Am I the only one who thinks she looks like a cheap Japanese AV star...
