Kim Doyeon's oppa in service has a picture of Twice's Sana in his locker

Article: Weki Meki Kim Doyeon, "My soldier oppa's locker picture? It's not me but Twice's Sana"

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. [+504, -8] Even Kim Tae Hee's dongsaeng Lee Wan wouldn't put his nuna's picture in his locker ㅋㅋ it's just how siblings are. My own oppa is always like "what kind of guy would date a guy like you" whenever I get a boyfriend, which I reply with "likewise"

2. [+426, -9] Why would any soldier put a picture of his dongsaeng on his locker????

3. [+181, -4] It's because there are always other idiots who will start asking you questions if you put family members on your locker

4. [+23, -1] It's kind of weird to put a picture of your little sister on your locker ㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+22, -0] But isn't it weird to put a picture of your sister there;

6. [+21, -0] I'd understand putting a family picture there but not just a picture of your little sister

7. [+18, -1] Little brothers or oppas do not care for their nunas or little sisters no matter how pretty they are ㅋㅋ they'll always be more interested in other women ㅋ

8. [+17, -1] Duh

9. [+12, -2] To her oppa, she's just another annoying family member. Of course he'd be into other celebrities more ㅋㅋ

10. [+10, -1] Most men put pictures of celebrities or their actual girlfriend
