'Mix Nine' Yang Hyun Suk clears up rumors of discord with Brave Brothers

Article: 'Mix Nine' Yang Hyun Suk, "I do not swear with Brave Brothers, rumors of discord are all unfounded"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+432, -7] Brave Brothers needs to stick to producing music. All of the kids from his agencies are so bad.

2. [+292, -2] I'm sure they don't hate each other but they do seem really awkward around each other ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+287, -47] I wouldn't go as far as swearing at each other but there definitely was discord between the two. Yang Hyun Suk's already known for lying every time he opens his mouth and never keeping any of the album promises for his own artists, tsk tsk.

4. [+52, -3] The way Brave Brothers treats Yang Hyun Suk is the way someone would treat their former boss after leaving the company on bad terms

5. [+46, -6] You can actually see that they hate each other though ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+44, -2] I'm actually super surprised at Brave Brothers. He's a really successful industry member so you'd think he'd have an eye for things like talent... but with all the money and brand power and promotional opportunities that he has, I always wondered why his artists never made it... It just seems like he has a different sense of what the public likes and what he likes. Very different. He needs to stick to producing music, that's it. He just doesn't have an eye for talent and it's not something that you can learn or teach yourself over time. He's worse at spotting talent than the average public so what's he trying to do?

7. [+36, -0]
Yang Hyun Suk: Why do the songs you give other artists all do well but your own artists fail?
Brave Brothers: *nods*
Yeah, he's good at producing music but his trainees are really bad ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+36, -2] At this rate, Brave Brothers is going to blow all the money he's made and saved up

9. [+32, -1] No way Brave Brothers could ever swear or fight back at Yang Hyun Suk. Yang Hyun Suk has the power to bury him in this industry for good. Brave Brothers also isn't as popular as he used to be. His newer songs haven't been instant hits like in the past.

10. [+30, -0] I've seen a lot of producers waste all the money they make on royalties on trying to manage talent without realizing that they just don't have an eye for that kind of stuff. They think that they can do it too because they work so closely with artists but we're in an industry now where a good song won't carry you far, it's all about the promotion and marketing behind it. He should just focus on saving up on his royalties instead of wasting it all on producing idols.
