DIA to have comeback this month as 7 members

Article: [Official] DIA to have comeback on the 12th as 7 members excluding Yebin and Somi on 'The Unit'

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+229, -9] Kwang Soo lucked out with Jung Chaeyeon but it's not going to happen again...

2. [+186, -11] Had no idea they even had a comeback before and they're coming back again ㅋㅋ

3. [+109, -4] Kwang Soo is so bad at this

4. [+15, -0] What was the point of kicking the other two members if they're going to have a comeback?

5. [+14, -3] At this point, DIA seems more like a project group ㅋㅋㅋ Their debut song was really good but now they're dropping members into audition shows and changing the numbers around with every comeback...

6. [+13, -0] Didn't even know DIA was originally 9 members...

7. [+12, -0] Still have no idea why they decided to take two random members and put them on an audition show when they're doing fine in their group??

8. [+11, -1] As much of a fuss as people are kicking up about Wanna One now, this is probably the same future for them once they disband, right??

9. [+11, -3] I feel quite bad for the members. Everyone thought they'd do well with how popular Jung Chaeyeon got off of 'Produce 101' but she barely hit average with her fame and the rest are stuck playing side pieces. They seem to have potential but their agency is too stupid to pick up on that.

10. [+8, -1] I like DIA but I'm always confused how many members they're actually supposed to have..

11. [+7, -0] Wouldn't be Kwang Soo without crazy tactics like this

12. [+7, -0] How're they going to sing live without Yebin?
