Yezi to make solo debut in December

Article: [Exclusive] Fiestar Yezi to have first solo three years since debut... new track in December

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+295, -22] It'd be great if Yezi did well with her solo but I hope this is also an opportunity for Fiestar to get some spotlight. Fighting.

2. [+186, -17] Fighting!!! Hopefully her new song is released soon ㅎㅎ

3. [+171, -19] Kya, Yezi is finally going solo ㅠㅠ

4. [+153, -22] Fighting Yezi~ fell for you after watching you on 'Unpretty'~

5. [+128, -17] Yezi fighting!! Will be supporting you!! ^^

6. [+21, -6] Great, can we also get a digital download for 'Crazy Dog' as well

7. [+19, -4] Hul I wanted to see her too!! Assa, hope her solo hits daebak ㅠㅠ Love you, Yezi!

8. [+17, -3] Fighting fighting Yezi!

9. [+19,- 5] Let's go solo~~ I wish she'd get a fancafe too.. don't know where to go for her info

10. [+19, -7] Nowadays people know who God-Yezi is without even watching 'Unpretty';;
