Sunmi shares photos with her two younger brothers

Article: "We are the three siblings" Sunmi reveals her handsome younger brothers

Source: Dispatch via Naver

1. [+727, -91] They're not... that handsome... just average...

2. [+496, -24] Sunmi looks pretty~~~ but the three of them don't look alike at all ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+412, -46] Does the journalist know what the word 'handsome' means;;?

4. [+181, -32] Sunmi's gotten even prettier~~

5. [+141, -11] That second picture looks good

6. [+111, -5] Why do all three of them look so different from one another

7. [+103, -16] So where are the handsome brothers

8. [+82, -21] Uh oh ㅋㅋ I'm pretty sure they're checking the comments with high hopes too

9. [+78, -22] I don't find them handsome at all

10. [+68, -14] They're just average... They're a cute trio of siblings but I wouldn't say the brothers are handsome.
