Seoul turns public pay phones into 'emergency safety booths'

Article: Public phone booths to be turned into 'safety booths'... sirens ring in cases of emergency

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

Seoul implemented a new system with their neglected and unused public pay phones by turning them into safety booths where anyone who feels like they're in trouble can run into them for safety.

The booths are able to be locked and can send off a siren with lights once activated to alert for help. It is also connected to a patrol division along with free wifi and a touch screen for further assistance. There is a security camera to capture footage of the criminals. The booths will be rolled out to 50 different locations by the year-end.

1. [+1,299, -23] I hope more of these get implemented everywhere ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,113, -27] Wow, this is a great idea. Should've come up with it sooner, this is awesome.

3. [+998, -16] Great idea...

4. [+62, -1] What a great idea~ but please make sure to keep up with maintenance so that anyone who runs into them needing actual help isn't stuck trying to work with faulty equipment. And anyone caught messing with the booths should be dealt heavy punishment too~

5. [+57, -1] If any dumb kids try to mess with the booths, please catch them on CCTV and give them a heavy punishment.

6. [+46, -0] They should make it so that anyone messing around is automatically locked in there and needs the police to come and unlock it so that they get caught ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+39, -1] Great idea, this should be implemented in isolated places
