Park Jin Young rumored to have the most expensive celebrity divorce

Article: Park Jin Young selected as the star who paid the most in divorce alimony... ~$3 million USD + $20,000 USD a month

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+193, -2] $20k a month????????????????? Every month???????????

2. [+191, -13] Wow... Park Jin Young, daebak... people normally don't give this much in divorces... He really must've screwed up hard to end up in a divorce like this... Why would he have to give the woman this much money in a normal divorce? Amazing, the his ex-wife caught him in something hefty

3. [+176, -11] Obviously he has to pay her this much because he did something that she deserves it for. It's not like he's some charity company, the law is making him pay this much so he has to.

4. [+38, -1] Just how badly did he screw up if he has to pay that much every month and it's not even in child support payments? ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+31, -11] I think he has manners considering how many people wind up in lawsuits to try to cut back on every penny they can but he even pays her every month.

6. [+24, -1] Not sure why his friends are talking about his private matters on TV like this. Sure celebrities can be judged on their real estate wealth and all but is factoring in their divorce alimony and stuff really necessary?

7. [+17, -3] Well, this is talking about a man who said "sex is sports"... looks like he did a lot of sports while he was with her. Karma comes right back to ya.

8. [+13, -6] I honestly feel like he would've offered to pay her that much because he puts such importance on past memories and emotions and stuff.
