'Music Core' gets rid of its ranking system

Article: 'Music Core' takes down ranking system after 2 years and 7 months

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,644, -43] Music shows are just fandom fights. The real talents don't get to win #1 because they're pushed away by the idols with big fandoms. It's a good decision to get rid of the ranking system.

2. [+1,097, -23] They get so swayed by fandom votes that no one trusts the system anyway... The show just ends up being a 'kids show' and no one cares about who wins anymore.

3. [+982, -23] Again!!!!!!!!!!!????? They got rid of it last time and brought it back again

4. [+725, -23] Good decision~~~

5. [+120, -10] It was meaningless anyway, just another way to make money off of text votes

6. [+120, -12] It was just a popularity vote... they're better off without it.

7. [+93, -14] They'll ring it back in 2 years... calling it their fairest system yet in Korea ㅡㅡ

8. [+93, -23] Not like anyone believed anyone who won #1 since songs no one's ever heard of won #1 through fan votes ㅋㅋㅋ especially all those male idol groups ㅋㅋㅋ
