IU to take legal action over lewd photoshopped images

Article: 'Malicious photoshopped picture' IU reps, "We are investigating who the first person to spread it is"

Source: Sports Seoul via Naver

1. [+175, -11] Ilbe's the one that spread it ㅋㅋㅋ hope they all get caught ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+126, -10] Why do this to a kid who's so far from looking sexy... who did it? Tsk tsk

3. [+111, -11] Whoever did this is trash, be more aware of who you're photoshopping

4. [+18, -14] Don't go easy on them, go hard with the punishment

5. [+12, -14] IU's still young too.. sigh

6. [+7, -2] Why isn't IU being sued when she's the one who first spread the picture with Eunhyuk?? IU's such a hypocrite. It's fine when she does it but not okay for others to do the same? ㅋㅋ

7. [+6, -1] Farewell Ilbe bugs, don't cry too hard at the police station

8. [+5, -0] IU has a choding body, why is she even wearing clothes like that ㅠ...

9. [+5, -2] I bet they're shaking in their boots right now~

10. [+4, -0] Well she's the first one who released that picture of Eunhyuk, why isn't she suing herself?

11. [+4, -0] Her agency will go nuts if they find out some of the more lewd photoshopped work on Soranet ㅋㅋㅋ
