Dongho reveals wedding photos with his bride

Article: Dongho reveals his bride of a year older

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+316, -83] Why would he reveal his wedding pictorial if he wanted to keep the entire thing private...

2. [+294, -14] I really do hope that their feelings for each other don't change and they live together happily. Getting married young comes with a lot of restrictions and they're still so young so it's easy to break things off when they make the wrong decisions... but I do wish them the best.

3. [+280, -25] Looking at these wedding pictures makes me think that getting married in your early twenties when you look the best and are at your youngest might be the best ^^ They look good

4. [+23, -7] Let's not rain on another's parade

5. [+10, -4] The woman's pretty


Source: Naver

1. [+2,483, -51] Seeing such young people getting married really shows in how beautiful their wedding pictures turned out. So fresh looking. Be happy ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,785, -84] So apparently it's not a shotgun wedding. Bride looks beautiful, groom's a cutie, they look good ㅎ

3. [+1,547, -47] If it really isn't a shotgun wedding, I'm surprised the woman's parents accepted the marriage. They're giving their daughter away to a 21 year old kid who hasn't even served in the army yet. Amazing.. looks like Dongho gave them a sense of trust.

4. [+1,078, -47] The bride's pretty

5. [+253, -23] Dongho might be young but his family is actually quite wealthy and he started his celebrity career at a young age so I'm sure he's saved a lot. He's still learning Japanese and taking acting lessons so I wouldn't say he has no future. There's nothing wrong with getting married early if you can afford it. Better than getting married past your thirties when both of you have gone through so many boyfriends and girlfriends ㅠ something about them looks so innocent and beautiful
