Choiza reveals his high marks on his college entrance exam + that his parents call him Choiza too

Article: 'Cultwo Show' Choiza, "I got 340 out of 400 on my college entrance exam"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+248, -18] The exam now compared to back then has gotten a lot easier.. ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+195, -17] The test has gotten a lot easier... back then, you could barely count on one person getting a full score.

3. [+201, -27] Wow, that's actually crazy since the test was so much harder back then ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+60, -8] The hotel administration major at Sejong University was super popular back when he got in so..

5. [+54, -8] He got into a decent school/major back then

6. [+51, -8] This is quite different from the image I had of him.. I didn't take him for the studious type but getting anything over 300 on the exam back then was a big deal.. quite amazing of him.

7. [+51, -9] He's from a wealthy family too. He doesn't lack anything compared to Sulli.

8. [+37, -5] His score's believable because he got into Sejong University's hotel administration major which was one of the best departments at the time. With 340, he could've gotten into a better school if he wanted to too.


Article: 'Radio Show' Choiza, "My parents call me Choiza too"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+43, -2] Do they know the meaning of your name?

2. [+46, -6] I really wonder what cm he is

3. [+29, -3] We can calculate his size using the f(x) formula

4. [+16, -9] Choiza...... that's wrong of your parents to call you that!!

5. [+4, -0] Has he told his parents what it means? ㅋㅋ

6. [+5, -1] Even though I'm a man, I'm still curious how big he is ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+2, -0] Probably the most shocking news of the day
