Victoria attends Luhan's movie preview by invite of Yang Mi

Article: 'SM' Victoria attends 'Ex-EXO' Luhan's Chinese movie preview

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+154, -13] She's attending for Yang Mi; Luhan never even met with Luhan and they're not even friends

2. [+142, -12] It says in the article that she's there by invite of Yang Mi, not Luhan

3. [+125, -8] Look at the article title trying to connect two people who have nothing to do with each other. She's there for another actress.

4. [+125, -24] Victoria's so nice, I don't think she'll backstab us

5. [+111, -16] Journalist, don't try to stir controversy of our loyal Victoria

6. [+50, -9] She's there for another actress ㅋㅋㅋ don't make it seem weirder than it is

7. [+43, -4] f(x) just had their comeback, don't you dare try to stir up the antis with stuff like this. She's there for another actress.

8. [+40, -3] We already know Victoria is loyal and she's there not for LUhan but for another actress.
