f(x) takes their '4 Walls' comeback to the stage

Article: 4 member f(x), perfect stage without the absence of Sulli missed, 'matured beauty'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+626, -44] It feels like Sulli and Luna left and they got a new member

2. [+384, -58] Was there a member missing~~? Didn't feel it at all, the stage looked packed full~~!

3. [+376, -43] Everyone's looking pretty ㅎ~ let's keep climbing up!!!

4. [+30, -11] They became more perfect with Sulli gone. There's no missing space anywhere. She was just the extra that needed to be gone all along.

5. [+27, -7] Really does prove that Sulli wasn't needed in the group;;;

6. [+26, -4] 'Red Light' was such a difficult concept to take in all at once;;; it took a few listens to get used to it and I guess this is one of those songs too. Anyway, Luna's waist looks thinner than Krystal's.

7. [+26, -7] Krystal looked weird in her drama with Rain but she looks pretty up on stage

8. [+24, -7] You can barely notice a difference with Sulli gone

9. [+20, -9] Such a unique concept amidst all these girl groups

10. [+14, -4] The group looks so much cleaner now that the lazy member is gone

11. [+14, -4] I was so surprised by Luna. She used to have a muscular, toned look to her in the past but today, her waist is even thinner than Krystal and she looks a lot more fragile... she really must've worked hard.

12. [+13, -5] I remember listening to f(x)'s songs and there'd be that one voice that always ruins the flow of the song for me but I just kept listening since the member's still a part of the group anyway... and come to think of it now, it's always been Sulli's parts. Now I'm not making excuses for their songs saying they're an idol and all members require parts... their songs sound a lot higher quality and now I can appreciate Amber's vocal color a lot more too.
