Tony Ahn returns to TV after two years since scandal

Article: 'Box' Tony Ahn returns to TV after two years since gambling scandal "Excited but scared"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+230, -40] Don't hate on him. Noh Hong Chul committed a crime that could've killed someone else but he came back to TV in just 8 months. Gamblers only affect themselves and two years is more than enough of reflection.

2. [+175, -26] Well Noh Hong Chul was caught drunk driving and came back to TV in 8 months... this is nothing compared to that.

3. [+104, -13] I really wish TV stars would get harsher punishments when they get caught in crimes, f*ck

4. [+13, -0] I think we've become a bit too lenient on crimes like drunk driving, drugs, and assault but illegal gambling only affects himself. He's the idiot for losing his own money, it's nothing that the public should be getting pissy over and hating him for... Just because someone gambled away their money doesn't piss me off, you know? But drunk driving is something that can affect another live so it pisses me off too.

5. [+12, -0] Two years is enough time. His gambling did not affect us. Other celebrities of worse crimes have returned after barely a year but at least he waited a full two years. That's enough ㅋㅋ
