High school teacher hits students 80 times for not finishing homework

Article: High school teacher found to have hit student 80 times for not doing his homework

Source: MBC via Naver

Teacher called 16 students who didn't do their readings out in the hall and hit them on 8 different body parts 10 times each for a total of 80 hits each student with a hard rubber stick.

1. [+5,893, -575] Sure, hit the students if they don't do things like homework. But if the teachers aren't doing their jobs either, they should be hit just the same.

2. [+4,991, -379] 80 hits is really too much

3. [+4,279, -370] He got hit 80 times because he didn't read his book? Not for committing a crime like drunk driving or assault but for not reading a book?

4. [+3,515, -584] Teachers like this should be thrown in jail

5. [+1,283, -122] In the time it took him to hit 16 students 80 times each, I'd rather spend that time teaching class

6. [+646, -47] The teacher's 35 years old... I bet you he was hit like this 20 years ago when he was in junior/high school too.

7. [+587, -73] I'd take it to court if I were the parents... the parents are nice for letting it go. The teacher should be grateful.

8. [+430, -49] This was no big deal back in the day but I guess it's something news worthy nowadays
