TV: [Spoilers!!!] Show Me the Money 4 (Finale)

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Article: 'Show Me 4' Basick overtakes Song Minho for the final win

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+150, -44] Feels like they just gave Basick all the votes because they didn't like Song Minho. Both didn't do that well but I don't think Basick did that much better to deserve twice the points;;

2. [+134, -56] I'm sure even the people who were hating on Song Minho will feel that Basick doesn't deserve the win.. Song Minho did better today ㅋㅋ

3. [+98, -7] Good job to Basick and Song Minho too

4. [+43, -0] Both had good stages today... but the audience didn't give them any reactions. Can't tell if people went to see the show because they like hip hop or to just get on camera. All of the Gangnam unnis in the crowd were too busy looking pretty whenever the cameras panned to them.

5. [+42, -22] Has Basick ever shown a stage that's deserving of this win...? It doesn't feel like he won because he did well but because people didn't want Song Minho to win ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+35, -14] I'm Basick's fan and congratulate him on the win but Song Minho did better today... feels like they put all the points on him because they didn't like Song Minho. I feel bad for him now... ㅠㅠ such a huge point difference. Basick wasn't THAT much better... he's better at faster beats.

7. [+33, -9] Basick was whatever... reminds me of that time when all of the men pooled their votes for Huh Gak because they hated John Park

8. [+30, -13] Basick was so bad... I was shocked that he won. Song Minho did well, how unfortunate~

9. [+29, -3] I think last week's Song Minho vs Black Nut was the more 'finals' level stage. Today's stages were boring. 'SMTM' should not do live broadcasts again ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it failed to go out with a bang.

10. [+28, -8] So what did Song Minho get from this show other than hate ㅠㅠ I feel bad for him ㅋㅋㅋ good luck in the future



Source: Naver

1. [+8,031, -859] First time seeing a finals so boring

2. [+5,135, -309] Good job to Song Minho too!! Congratulations Basick!!

3. [+3,685, -223] Great job to them both ㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+3,632, -691] Basick daebak

5. [+3,260, -433] Congratulations Basick!

6. [+1,781, -72] Am I the only one who enjoyed the semi-finals more

7. [+1,877, -303] Song Minho's talented but he got more hate than recognition for his talent. He was the victim to so many witch hunts and he only got sad results from this show.

8. [+1,369, -120] Song Minho probably suffered the most from this show, fighting!! and congratulations to Basick ㅠㅠ
