Ha Ji Won tries a retro look for the airport with interesting jeans

Article: "Too much retro"... the betrayal of Ha Ji Won's high-waisted jeans

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+330, -14] Oh my!!! The jeans really are too much

2. [+261, -18] The way she has her sunglasses pushed all the way up looks more outdated than her pants ㅠㅠ

3. [+229, -23] Her profile says she's 168 cm tall but I bet that's a lie. She looks a bit over 160~

4. [+19, -1] She probably thinks she looks stylish considering she's wearing it out in public...

5. [+18, -1] To pull pants like that off, you need to be stick skinny like a model. It would've looked nice on Kim Min Hee or Gong Hyo Jin.

6. [+17, -3] She dresses so nicely in dramas, why like this in real life

7. [+16, -1] It's like she borrowed her dad's pants

8. [+16, -2] I don't know where she's off to but she's embarrassing Korea with that fashion

9. [+14, -0] Ha Ji Won and Kim Ha Neul have a tendency to dress really in outdated styles. They try so hard to look modern but they just lack the sense or maybe it's their looks that make them look outdated and far from stylish.

10. [+12, -1] Oh come on ㅠ Unni, you dress so nicely in your drama and get 'Ha Ji Won fashion' trending but whenever you return to real life, your clothes just... unni, I'm your fan but those pants are a nono ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
