Big Bang releases "Let's Not Fall In Love" music video

Article: Big Bang's beautiful yet sad shout of youth... "Let's not fall in love"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+719, -13] That gaze... ㅠㅠ I won't be able to sleep tonight ㅠㅠ GD ㅠㅠ

2. [+542, -5] I honestly.... love it!!!!!!! ♥

3. [+502, -5] The song's so good ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Trust in Big Bang!

4. [+457, -5] The song's good ♥ Big Bang is the love

5. [+455, -6] Another new try from them, beautiful ^^ Big Bang

6. [+109, -2] This song's amazing, the rap too

7. [+105, -3] Great melody... but the reason I love Big Bang songs is for the lyrics. Such heart fluttering yet painful lyrics fit for the song..

8. [+96, -3] GD's gaze makes my heart flutter
