TV: [Spoilers!!!] Warm and Cozy (Finale)

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Article: 'Warm and Cozy' Yoo Yeon Suk and Kang Sora promise "I love you" for a 'happy ending'

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+2,268, -53] Agh, it's already the last episode... what the ㅜㅜ I feel like I wouldn't have watched this drama if not for Yoo Yeon Suk and Kang Sora ㅜㅜ how can I let these two go..

2. [+2,180, -47] It's hard to believe this was actually a drama written by the Hong sisters ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I feel like the Woojoo couple could've shown more chemistry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ but just a kiss scene at the end... something unfortunate about it all. Thanks to the drama, I enjoyed my nights watching it!

3. [+1,417, -41] There's been a lot of good and bad talk about this drama but it lives up to its title, warm and cozy. I felt cozy while watching it ㅎㅎ

4. [+309, -8] Yoo Yeon Suk is quite the good kisser ㅋㅋㅋ Made my heart flutter ㅋㅋ

5. [+284, -11] The kiss scene should've happened around the 11th episode!! Come on scriptwriter-nim!! Why at the end like this?

6. [+264, -5] This was the only kiss scene out of 16 episodes

7. [+230, -7] Yoo Yeon Suk and Kang Sora had awesome chemistry but I think the plot held them back from the drama doing any better.. ㅜㅜ
