Dok2 explains he shows off his wealth to inspire hope in others

Article: 'Sketchbook' Dok2, "The reason I show off my wealth? To give people a message of hope"

Source: OSEN via Naver + Nate

1. [+10,341, -1,957] Why would I feel hope over someone else making money?;;

2. [+8,701, -1,471] Where is any message of hope in showing off your wealth? You're just bragging about yourself. If you want to inspire hope, do it through your songs.

3. [+8,119, -1,306] Don't make excuses, you're just showing off to make yourself look good.

4. [+1,121, -126] I'm sure it's different for everyone but I think him showing off like that will just make more people feel worse about themselves by comparison. That's why you shouldn't mindlessly show off your wealth. Just be humble.

5. [+1,008, -109] Don't try to make your bragging look like it has any more meaning to it than it does

6. [+865, -83] Does he actually think he can inspire hope in commoners by bragging about his wealth...

7. [+641, -30] It's like taking a bunch of starving African children and eating a buffet in front of them and thinking it's going to inspire them to have hope

8. [+540, -75] It's just tryhard bragging, nothing more or less. You really think you're inspiring hope?.. tsk tsk


Article: Dok2's proof shot of his BMW i8 resurfaces '200 million won super car'

Source: 10asia via Nate

1. [+923, -151] I get that he worked hard and that he's talented enough to be making this type of money but you don't see Park Ji Sung going around bragging about his car like you, do you?

2. [+773, -79] How does he even make this much money?

3. [+54, -8] It's like he has nothing going for himself so he has to show off his possessions to make himself look good. His looks are whatever, he's barely 160 cm tall, he's not that intelligent... He's the type of guy to judge someone based on their wealth when money isn't everything.

4. [+29, -4] I'm sure he's proud since he bought it with his own money but learn to be humble

5. [+20, -3] So sick of bragging! Even the Samsung CEO doesn't take pictures of his cars in front of his garage
