SM Rookies land their first pictorial with 'Ceci'

Article: SM Rookies has their first pictorial 'cute and fresh'

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+121, -8] SM's so amazing. Lands a kid who hasn't even debuted yet on 'Abnormal Summit' and even gets them pictorials.

2. [+58, -14] So are these kids actually talented other than visuals? Well, is SM even a company that can get kids popular off of their talents anyway...? They seemed to have chosen Red Velvet based on their talents and Joy was really the only one who had any male fans but they threw her in WGM and demolished their male fanbase in Korea so I've pretty much given up hope on SM's marketing team. Who even watches the Disney channel in Korea? Everyone watches Tooniverse, tsk. SM should realize that music show wins are made by fans but they only care about international fans. Usually if a group has no response in Korea, they don't do well internationally either. Start getting your shit together, SM.

3. [+43, -4] Do they have any Chinese members?? Please stop casting Chinese trainees... sigh, it's not like you can ignore the Chinese market either but putting up with all these traitors is so annoying..

4. [+41, -4] So do we have any fortune tellers in here who can name which one of them is going to betray and leave?

5. [+36, -16] I don't know why SM gets so much flack for promoting their trainees when other companies put their trainees in survival shows, reality programs, CFs, public broadcast dramas ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+14, -2] Other than Rami, the female rookies are lacking a lot visually and charm-wise..

7. [+13, -5] They get a nugu onto a jTBC show and now a pictorial with Jay Contents, a subsidiary of jTBC... and they're really going to deny that there aren't under the table deals??? Gross

8. [+7, -1] Isn't that Rami kid 13 years old? She's so old looking for her age... but usually kids who look old when they're young keep the same face as they age so at this rate, she could be one of the top 3 beauties in the company. She'll be 23 when Go Ara and Lee Yeon Hee, Yoona are are in their late thirties.
