Girl group outfits getting shorter and shorter?

Article: Girl group outfits just get shorter and shorter 'endless competition of skin exposure'

Source: Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+386, -65] Soshi's outfits look totally wholesome. What's more of an issue are the dances rather than the outfits. They're literally sticking their butts out, it's hard to watch.

2. [+300, -16] I mean you even have Stellar who's out wearing thongs now

3. [+153, -9] It's not just idols, it's just the trending fashion nowadays

4. [+24, -14] I really wish they'd stop showing the undersides of their buttcheeks. It's not an issue of just sexy concepts anymore.

5. [+7, -0] Soshi's dance is on the better side, other girl groups always have one butt shaking move ㅜ or a spread leg move

6. [+7, -2] Even women on the streets dress like this lately, why do we always bring down the girl groups over it??
