Follow Up: Song Minho

Article: 'SMTM' Song Minho, the end all to idol rappers

OSEN via Nate

1. [+1,077, -157] He's so good that he left an impression with his lyrics telling women to spread their legs like they're at the gynecologist's...... you realize that your own mother gave birth to you after spreading her legs there too, right?...

2. [+904, -116] Minho-ya, you need to become a human being. I don't even want to begin to understand how or why you came up with those lyrics.

3. [+863, -39] The producers need to reflect a bit. The most low rate I've seen.

4. [+100, -9] I'm honestly shocked that Song Minho is someone who has thoughts like that on the norm. I feel like I've been conned? I never took him for the type. I'm surprised that he's able to think such dirty things.

5. [+92, -5] Maybe because he started off with all of this attention under his idol title and he thought he would be recognized as a real rapper if he went hard on his lyrics without any moral sense... well, this just shows who he is as a person. The fact that he even thought he'd look cool for writing such low rate lyrics... it's because of idol rappers like you who ruin the image of hip hop artists who've been working hard to build up an image for themselves. Bastard.

6. [+87, -7] I'm sure his mother would love his lyrics

7. [+84, -8] Rapper my butt ㅋㅋㅋ get off the show, he's not a fit for it

8. [+79, -3] OSEN's trying so hard to cover his gynecologist scandal

9. [+69, -6] Did his agency release this article? He's in such a mess with his scandal right now... tsk tsk

10. [+66, -4] Makes me sigh thinking that he wrote this lyrics and was satisfied ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He probably thought he was so witty!

11. [+60, -5] Jimin got hated to the ground for putting up the middle finger on 'Unpretty Rapstar' but somehow Minho gets away with lyrics like this? Wake up, stupid fangirls. There are things to support and this is not one of them.

12. [+57, -5] Wow, all the articles of his scandal are being taken off ^^ YG never fails to impress me

13. [+41, -3] His stupid fangirls are amazing ㅋㅋㅋ I'm one myself but this is going too far
