Jang Mi In Ae cuts prices of her shopping mall by 50%

Article: Jang Mi In Ae cuts prices of shopping mall by 50%, conscious of the controversy?

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+569, -4] Doesn't matter whether it costs 10 cents or $300, no one's going to buy it. Who would buy something worth that much without even getting to try it on first? I bet she won't even allow returns because it's order made'.

2. [+528, -5] She basically proved that her prices are crazily marked up. She should've stuck through with her prices no matter how expensive they were. Lowering them now won't make people buy them.

3. [+492, -6] Cutting prices by 50% proves that she marked them up crazy high. And what does that make the customers who bought them for full price already?

4. [+34, -0] Wouldn't even buy it for $100. Her designs aren't pretty...

5. [+28, -0] She should've just stuck it through... now no one will buy her stuff.

6. [+26, -0] I'd rather buy something from a known brand than drop that much on her stuff

7. [+26, -0] What about her customers who paid full price?


Article: Jang Mi In Ae's controversy, she should stay silent and prove herself through her skills

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+762, -7] She must think she's Coco Chanel

2. [+473, -8] Journalist basically telling her to shut up off of SNS

3. [+448, -6] She's so hard to like...

4. [+381, -5] At this point, I don't even care what her prices are, I just don't care

5. [+368, -6] Her greed is worth a luxury brand
