BtoB releases "It's Okay"

Article: BtoB "It's Okay, a song that hopes to be of strength to your challenges"

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+1,055, -26] Their song's the best, daebak good ♥

2. [+1,004, -22] Amazing live... I really hope they win #1

3. [+871, -20] Song sounds really good

4. [+177, -6] I'm getting ready for employment... and I was really depressed yesterday and today and their song has consoled me a lot... actually made me choke up ㅋ Their music video with the story about the couple where the boyfriend is preparing for employment really hit home for me ㅋㅋ

5. [+173, -6] Skill wise, BtoB's above idol level..

6. [+155, -4] They're good at live... daebak

7. [+145, -5] Their album is truly 'complete', just like its name.. You've come a long way the past four years... this is your real start now!

8. [+139, -5] Amazing live, true singers. Let's win #1 for sure!
