Lady Jane thinks she has a pretty chest

Article: Lady Jane's provocative statement "My breasts are really pretty"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+872, -53] Only Simon D knows the truth

2. [+550, -47] She should be more specific, "small but pretty"

3. [+427, -25] She should show and tell

4. [+46, -4] Hong Jin Ho knows the truth too

5. [+38, -2] Is she able to get away with saying stuff like this because we can't check?? ㅎㅎㅎ

6. [+33, -11] It's not how it looks that matters but the size...

7. [+25, -2] She has too much aegyo sal;;;

8. [+23, -2] But you can tell her chest area was heavily photoshopped and drawn on

9. [+20, -5] She has such a big head for a celebrity..

10. [+18, -6] Her head is huge

11. [+14, -2] Honestly not that big if she's only that big after push ups
