KBS copying yet another show?

Article: KBS copies 'My Little TV' this time?... 'Knew it'

Source: OSEN via Naver

KBS 'A Style for You' is going to live stream through Afreeca TV. KBS has a history of copying MBC TV shows ('Superman' vs 'Dad!' and 'Immortal Song' vs 'I Am a Singer') and netizens also think this is a copy of MBC's 'My Little Television'.

1. [+8,902, -48] KBS is going too far now

2. [+7,330, -85] Hani's on 'My Little TV' too though

3. [+5,350, -44] What do you expect from KBS

4. [+5,114, -49] Copycat KBS

5. [+701, -38] I feel like 'Producer' is also a copy of 'Misaeng'

6. [+637, -15] I knew it... they have no shame at all tsk tsk. Too bad the show is in the dumps ㅋ

7. [+604, -4] They should change their broadcast channel to CBS Copy BS.

8. [+578, -8] No show can copy 'My Little TV' as long as MBC has Baek Jong Won

9. [+525, -44] Hani, this is a bit wrong, don't you think


Source: Nate

1. [+538, -2] KBS is so good at ctrl + C and ctrl + V

2. [+499, -40]
I Am a Singer - Immortal Song
Superman Returns - Dad!
1N2D - Infinity Challenge

3. [+491, -5] They're the best at copying

4. [+27, -1] What do you expect from them honestly... Hani-ya, what're you even doing???

5. [+23, -3] The viewers are also the problem... hate on them for copying but then turn around and go Seojoon is so cute~~ The triplets are so cute~~
