[Instiz] SISTAR's new hair styles before upcoming comeback

Instiz: SISTAR's hairstyles have completely changed in preparation for their comeback

"Bora's make up makes her look like she's sick ㅠㅠ

"Thought Soyu was someone else..."

"Their make up though.."

"Who is their make up artist?"

"Every time I see SISTAR, I feel like they would have a lot of foreign fans. From their looks to their bodies... whoo, amazing ㅠㅠ"

"Dasom is sooo white"

"They look pretty with lighter make up"

"Wow, they look like foreigners. Bora daebak."

"I thought they looked like South American models at first. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Their bodies are daebak"

"Only SISTAR is able to pull off stuff like this"

"Aside from Dasom, none of their hair colors matches their skin tones or make up looks. Where's their coordi?"

"Doesn't look like Soyu at all..."

"I like the concept, looks like a summer samba"
