Changing times, changing etiquette? Cafe and subway manners

Article: [Coffee Check] What's considered mannerly? Cafe etiquette that gets the side-eye..

Source: Herald Econ via Naver

1. More and more cafes are putting up signs saying every single person must order their own drink/pastry per person. Cannot share a drink between two people, etc.
2. No bringing in outside food
3. No studying/working for long periods of time and taking up tables


1. [+4,274, -443] Didn't realize that sharing a coffee and a pastry with your friend was a problem. I don't like that first rule.

2. [+3,412, -136] Please don't speak informally to the people who work there

3. [+3,256, -263] So a couple can't go to a cafe and share a drink and a pastry between the two of them??

4. [+2,714, -403] I agree with the rules but the first one? Why? Maybe you're with a friend who drinks several cups of coffee a day and she didn't want one while you did... As long as it's not like a group of people sharing one cup of coffee, I don't see the issue..

5. [+585, -96] Cafes all over the world allow you to sit and read or write school reports with your coffee but Koreans always rush you out after a drink


Article: 'Backpack wearers' become the nuisance of the subway?

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

Article talks about how people on the subway/buses are frustrated with people who wear backpacks on them because they get hit, crushed, pushed around, etc by them.

1. [+805, -158] So you're considered a nuisance just for wearing a backpack now? I don't think it's the backpack that's the problem but a lack of consideration for others. What are students supposed to carry then?

2. [+778, -166] What I don't get is what do they expect students to carry then? Instead of worrying about what bags people carry on the subway, how about we worry about sexual assault and all of the other things that happen on it.

3. [+679, -181] As someone who goes to and from work on the subway for the past 7 years, the biggest nuisances are the ajummas, a minority of women, and young kids.

4. [+46, -6] I hope the journalist makes his kid carry a handbag to school

5. [+45, -7] Even college students in America still carry backpacks, are they nuisances too? It shouldn't be normal that the women in our colleges carry handbags with their books in their arms. Backpacks should not be seen as a nuisance.

6. [+39, -0] As long as they're careful and aware of the people behind them... I once had my face crushed by a backpack on the subway and they had no idea.. I just let it go because I wasn't bleeding or anything but people with backpacks do need to be more careful.
