Blind date survey

Article: "The worst accessories to bring on a blind date: princess mirrors and pants chains"

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

Survey on what men and women didn't like seeing their blind date with on the first date:

Women did not like men wearing:
Chains on the pants 34%
Flashy belts 25.8%
Gold necklaces 17.5%

Men did not like:
Handheld mirrors 34.4%
Pointy fake nails 29.5%
Huge flower hair pins 18.5%

On first impression, most men notice the woman's bag/wallet while women notice the man's shoes.


1. [+649, -22] Who actually wears chains on their pants anymore that it's still even being mentioned

2. [+311, -22] I'm a male and agree with the list~ I hate long nails

3. [+65, -3] For some reason, when I see a man with a thick gold necklace, I automatically associate him with the mob.. I don't know why.. and if they're physically big on top of that, it's hard to find him likable..--;;;;

4. [+63, -3] Yeah, when I see a man with a thick gold necklace, it's the absolute worst for me... it makes him look like such a tryhard.

5. [+47, -2] The worst for me is when my blind date just stares at her phone. If someone's not your type, just finish your coffee and say bye instead of staring at your phone the whole time.

6. [+39, -20] If you're a rich man, it won't matter even if you have your pants chain wrapped around your neck as a necklace...

7. [+29, -0] Wait, why do men hate flower hair pins? I get why they'd hate long nails though

8. [+27, -0] When guys awkwardly try to pull off the dandy look...

9. [+24, -4] I still see some women carrying handheld mirrors but I rarely see chains on pants anymore. Maybe neon wifebeaters would be more fit nowadays.

10. [+15, -0] It'd be hilarious to see a man go on a blind date wearing chains on his pants + denim from top to bottom + white wifebeater underneath + white socks + sandals ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
