Ahn Jae Hyun angers viewers with 'Blood' acting

Article: Ahn Jaehyun's angry acting makes viewers angry

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+1,071, -40] Goo Hye Sun saved you

2. [+993, -21] He's not ready to be lead yet...

3. [+829, -22] I burst out laughing when I saw him getting pummeled by bullets and someone said he was doing the shake dance ㅋㅋ

4. [+73, -0] He was never a good actor... even in 'Stars, he barely had any lines so his poor acting was hidden... sigh ㅠㅠ

5. [+63, -0] Goo Hye Sun didn't just save him, she's practically his meat shield right now

6. [+47, -4] He looks like he's doing better than he is because of Goo Hye Sun. He's not good at all... I seriously wonder how these two got cast at all?

7. [+45, -0] I can't believe the director even OK'd the scene of him acting mad while on the phone..

8. [+29, -0] There are just so many articles criticizing their acting that I can't bear to even start the drama ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I liked the plot too
