TV: [Spoilers!!!] Heart to Heart (Pilot)

Article: Pilot 'Heart to Heart' the romance of the wounded begins

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+825, -35] Will Choi Kang Hee ever age

2. [+652, -15] Time flew by when I was watching this ㅋㅋ I hope this doesn't become the type of drama that gets boring the deeper the plot gets

3. [+531, -17] Worth a watch, I think ㅋㅋ Hongdo is cute

4. [+505, -21] Choi Kang Hee is so youthful, what a cutie ㅠ

5. [+433, -21] Choi Kang Hee's adorable and the drama's fun~~~

6. [+125, -14] Must be under a lot of pressure to fill Misaeng's shoes ㅋㅋㅋ The pilot was alright... plot moves fast but I also found some themes that overlapped with It's Okay, It's Love

7. [+96, -3] Thought it was murder but I was surprised to hear it was self inflicted;;;; still drank, though;;; Go Yi Suk is full of problems, eh;;;

8. [+86, -6] Flipped through the channels and started watching midway but it was fun
