Enes Kaya withdraws from 'Abnormal Summit' and leaves for Turkey due to internet rumors

Article: Enes Kaya leaves the show due to internet rumors

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

1. [+2,0542, -1,214] Seems it's not just a rumor if he's apologizing and leaving the show ㅋㅋ So the rumors were true.

2. [+16,033, -685] I feel really bad for his wife

3. [+11,747, -600] Never took him for the type...

4. [+10,128, -698] So what's the truth?

5. [+2,841, -359] Man, I knew it... the way he talked so conservatively reminded me of Korean ajusshis so I never liked him. He always talked like men were superior and Koreans never made a big deal out of it since that's the norm here but he's utterly conservative and looks down on women and feels no problem with cheating on his own wife. I never understood how anyone could like him.


Source: Nate

1. [+713, -18] Nevermind him leaving the show, I want him to clarify what actually happened

2. [+616, -21] He really was abnormal ㅋㅋ

3. [+495, -28] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He heads straight back to Turkey after causing this mess

4. [+69, -6] I can already predict what's going to happen. He'll open a press conference and start crying and say shit like, "It seems I misunderstood the way people were approaching me because of cultural differences. I'm sorry this happened. There's a saying in Turkey... hate the crime, not the person." ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+53, -1] I wonder if he has to pay a penalty fee for all of the CFs he shot before going back to Turkey? And poor wife... hard to trust him enough to go back to Turkey with him but it'll be just as hard to divorce him and raise their kid on her own...


Source: Nate

1. [+1,174, -67] Hul?????? Daebak, not one excuse or clarification and he thinks just running away to Turkey will solve everything? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What an embarrassment for his wife. Is he at least divorcing her?

2. [+1,103, -34] Ah...this is so shocking... what happens to his wife and daughter if he runs away to Turkey?

3. [+1,042, -76] Acted all conservative and caring but he obviously thought Korean women were an easy lay! What a disappointed~~
