JYP denies rumors of Suzy applying for colleges this year

Article: Rumors of Suzy getting into college with special treatment? Agency reps, "Unfounded rumors, she has no plans of college entrance this year"

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+1,069, -336] Suzy's proved countless times that she has no basic knowledge. We all know her lack of education so she better not even dream of getting into college through special treatment.

2. [+568, -46] Didn't even know these rumors were going around until the journalist unnecessarily brought it up

3. [+382, -55] Why are people even talking about her grades in school when the point of special treatment entrance is getting in without regards to grades

4. [+82, -22] Reminds me of Seohyun who always said her dream was to become a diplomat and how much she reads books. Acted so smart and mighty but she got into college with special treatment ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+63, -32] I think Suzy deserves to get into a theater/film major through special treatment. I mean, you have kids like Jiyoung and Krystal in theater majors at Sungkyunkwan and Hanyang University so why not ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+44, -35] Why would Suzy even bother with college? There's a time for everything and now is the time for her to be making as much money as she can.

7. [+42, -10] Getting into college with special treatment is bad for your image anyway. And she still has years left in her career where she can make hundreds of thousands off of CFs with her good image, why would she risk all of that? Sure nugu celebrities can use their celebrity status to get into college but Suzy has more to benefit off of by not going.

8. [+40, -18] Suzy definitely doesn't need college ㅋ She's been at the top for years now and has cemented herself as the trend, college would serve no purpose for her.
