GD x Taeyang release 'Good Boy'

Article: [Jukebox] GD x Taeyang, can't hide their hip hop roots in 'Good Boy'

Source: X Sports News via Naver

I'M SO SORRY GUYS ABOUT WRITING GDTOP THE FIRST TWO TIMES. I remember the comments kept talking about GDTOP speculations so it just stuck in my head and I didn't think twice. Totally my bad. Sorry about that mistake!

1. [+1,748, -341] GD Taeyang's class!!! ♥♥♥

2. [+1,558, -240] Although Big Bang's on quite a long hiatus, I hope that these two do well since it's been a while since we've seen them.

3. [+1,528, -250] Wow, it's really good. Exceeded my expectations.

4. [+1,283, -204] GD Taeyang are jjang

5. [+426, -60] Wow, putting everything aside, the song's just awesome, I'm speechless;;; Looks like clubs will be playing this song for a while

6. [+364, -48] I am good boy, so addictive

7. [+420, -107] GD's such a genius when it comes to music..

8. [+353, -46] I want to see the group's comeback, GDTOP's comeback.. I love Taeyang's voice
