TV: [Spoilers!!!] Liar Game

Article: [Review] Dramatized 'Liar Game', different from the original Japanese version

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+1,562, -40] Is this what a real remake looks like.. ㅋ Puts Nodame to shame

2. [+1,340, -35] I normally watch Abnormal Summit in this time slot but watched this and it's so fun... dammit

3. [+1,145, -28] Wow, what is this, this is daebak, seriously daebak

4. [+1,048, -23] As someone who watched this without knowing it was a remake, I thought it was a blockbuster-level movie... It captured my focus the entire time, especially the bank account balance at the end...

5. [+882, -17] It definitely is different from the original

6. [+254, -13] The Cantabile remake is a faiture. Liar Game remake, however, is a success. The acting's great and they got the atmosphere down perfectly. Cantabile... is lacking something.

7. [+257, -20] I watched the original Japanese version and I think the Korean version is more fun. It's more fresh and tvN's just so good at producing dramas.

8. [+233, -14] I'm disappointed they left out the debt concept for the TV show but I like that they changed things up to keep things fresh.
