Epik High's 8th album swallows the charts

Article: [Jukebox] Epik High unveils 8th album... 'emotional + healing'

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+2,394, -134] I realize now why Epik High is so strong digitally

2. [+1,935, -111] As expected of Epik High!!! DJ Tukutz, Mithra, Haru appa Tablo, do well!!!

3. [+1,559, -102] Ah, Born Hater's rated 19+..

4. [+1,410, -92] Godpik High ♥♥

5. [+392, -33] There's really no one who can hate on this album honestly

6. [+353, -31] Happen Ending is seriously amazing ㅋㅋ Even haters had to admit it ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+338, -33] I love them all but Happen Ending is seriously a song to be remembered

8. [+308, -37] YG artists are just sweeping it up


Article: Epik High swallows up the digital charts... 8th album lines it up

Source: 10asia via Naver

1. [+117, -14] As expected of Epik High!! It's the best!! You all worked so hard!!

2. [+97, -13] May Epik High last forever

3. [+87, -14] This album is so daebak. It's so rare to find an album where every single song is a piece of work.

4. [+68, -10] Goosebumps~~~ just daebak~~!!

5. [+39, -9] The best~! One of the only albums that I bought all the songs for.
