Rainbow marks their 6th anniversary

Article: [Interview] 'Girl group 6 years' Kim Jaekyung, she's worked hard all this time

Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+9,498, -77] They're always struggling for popularity...

2. [+9,087, -90] Rainbow's good at everything but getting popular

3. [+7,929, -89] Seriously taking so long for ZE:A and Rainbow to get popular

4. [+6,954, -64] It's already been six years...?

5. [+4,563, -464] Kim Jaekyung's likable!!!

6. [+673, -14] I really thought Rainbow would get up there when they were promoting 'A'

7. [+683, -44] They seem way better than T-ara, I really don't get why they aren't more popular..

8. [+552, -41] Jaekyung's got a pretty face, nice body, talent in the arts, and a great personality. I don't know why she isn't more popular.

9. [+500, -18] I personally like Rainbow but I wish their company would promote them more ㅠㅠ How have they not won #1 yet when they're six years into their debut? ㅠㅠㅠ

10. [+486, -17] DSP is so powerless. They should've kept pushing them when 'A' and 'Mach' earned positive responses. It's pathetic how they're wasting a talent like Jaekyung.
