Kwanghee shares his thoughts on the matter

Article: ZE:A Kwanghee, "Junyoung did not resolve it for money, apologies for concerning you"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,665, -194] Felt like Junyoung was fighting a lonely battle. Kwanghee's so loyal. ㅠㅠ

2. [+3,206, -108] Kwanghee-ya, you're suffering a lot... This scandal made me realize that Kwanghee, Hyungshik, Siwan, and Dongjun are dealing with a lot more than they should.

3. [+2,145, -73] Ah!! I just want ZE:A to leave Star Empire already~~

4. [+1,674, -51] Finally something I can actually read... fighting to everyone.

5. [+1,852, -541] Seems everything's resolved now... but that leader of yours.. he needs some hardcore lessons on Korean. Never have I read something so poorly written in my life.

6. [+458, -10] Kwanghee seems like a decent person the more I get to know him

7. [+428, -10] It's sad but if ZE:A leaves Star Empire, they'll have to disband... it's going to be hard to find an agency that will sign all nine of them on ㅠㅠ Especially since the members individually have such drastic differences in public recognition;; Just stick together and hold on.

8. [+429, -23] Poor Kwanghee... Has to support the group, make money to feed the nugus... ZE:A would not have made it this far without him.

9. [+387, -25] I feel bad for Siwan and Park Hyungshik. They can't say anything because of their drama and CF contracts. I hope they leave as soon as their contracts expires, I'm sure there will be plenty of agencies that will take them in.

10. [+279, -49] Kwanghee's written something actually readable, way better than the leader. Either way, Junyoung's lost his chance for the public to like him, he rushed into it too fast.


Source: Nate

1. [+164, -33] Fine, let's say it's all quieted down internally thanks to that ridiculous rambling Junyoung put up... but what does Junyoung expect to do about the threats to reveal the dirt on broadcast PDs and other agencies? It's great that the issues with the group's resolved but I wonder if the broadcast PDs will ever be willing to cast Junyoung now after what he's said when he doesn't even have an image to begin with ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+153, -30] Junyoung's words weren't normal at all. His rambling sounded drunk.

3. [+79, -15] He obviously wanted to keep his career as a celebrity.. but couldn't find a way to join a new agency.. and in the end fell prey to the honey dipped words of his agency and just rushed into ending everything. I don't think he intended to go through with his threats at all.
