f(x) releases teaser image for Luna

Article: f(x) to comeback with electro house

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+1,531, -97] f(x) songs are hard to judge off the bat because they make you go what?! at the start and then you slowly get addicted to it. Anyway, this concept..;;; The concept's alright but they ruined their pretty faces..;

2. [+1,044, -70] Convoluted

3. [+1,052, -136] f(x)'s songs have always been known to make you go wtf at the beginning and addicted to it later ㅎㅎㅎ I want another song like Hot Summer though

4. [+733, -82] What's up with this concept, is it horror style ㅠㅠ Why ruin the kids like this

5. [+580, -46] The picture surprised me ㅡㅡ

6. [+117, -10] I want to know why SM insists on only giving f(x) a comeback once over the summer... They've never had their own concert, always comes back once a year in the summer with a weird concept.. They don't have an official fanclub yet..

7. [+89, -8] Their music's more modern than Soshi's at least

8. [+70, -7] Nu ABO was the real shocker for me ㅋㅋ I thought the song was bizarre at first but ended up listening to it for months because I got addicted to it..
