TOP hints at Big Bang's album release for the second half of the year

Article: TOP "Big Bang's new album planning to be released in the second half of the year"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,953, -53] I'll be waiting (wipes off the dust on my Big Bang light)

2. [+1,695, -41] YG's always so late on album releases... Epik High, Big Bang, Winner, everyone...

3. [+1,523, -89] I've never considered Big Bang's 'Love Song' an idol song. It's great.

4. [+1,313, -31] Will it be released this year, though??? I just hope it doesn't pass 2015...

5. [+1,067, -34] I really want to see the whole group again ㅎㅎ I'll be waiting
