WIN 'B team' to perform at YG Family's Japanese concert

Article: WIN 'B team' to perform at YG Family's Japanese concert... 'collaboration with Winner'


1. [+409, -55] Debut Winner before you worry about your trainees. During Win, you said that you would not be debuting both teams at once. Why in the world are trainees performing at a YG Family concert? You made the viewers vote for the winning team with paid texts... this is disgusting.

2. [+299, -43] I feel so bad for Winner fans who have waited half a year for them to debut. They've earned their rights as singers but they're still being treated like trainees... why are they even doing a collab with trainees?

3. [+275, -36] Ridiculous... What does that make Winner? I don't understand why they had that show at all ㅡㅡ What is Winner even to YG?

4. [+226, -36] It's fine but something that could've waited until after Winner debuted...

5. [+197, -31] Yang Hyun Suk gets so much hate for his psycho decisions

6. [+92, -20] What was the point of WIN? Their debut has been postponed indefinitely and now they're doing a collab with the B team? They should've just done a regular TV show showing off their trainees instead of pitting the two groups against each other. They're brother groups, not competitors. And why did they make fans submit paid texts for the final WIN decision? If people paid for A team to win, give them what people paid for. YG really has a way of pissing fans off.

7. [+70, -11] Winner fans wouldn't even be this angry if they had debuted and the collab was between seniors and B team... Why bother pitting the 11 members against each other if they're going to screw it up with YG plans like this tsk tsk.

8. [+66, -17] I seriously can't hold it back anymore. Why is there B team even in the title of an article about a family concert? Even in the last episode of Winner TV, the article featured on the main page was about the B team. If you want to debut the B team so bad, just do it. Why do this to the fans? YG, have you given up on making money from your fans? I'm going to be an anti at this rate
