4minute to hold fan bashes around Europe

Article: 4minute the first K-Pop girl group to hold a concert in Spain-Sweden

OSEN via Naver

1. [+290, -42] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+250, -37] Does Spain even have 1,000 Koreans to attend it

3. [+231, -62] Hopefully Hyuna isn't doing her spread leg dance over there too?

4. [+183, -25] 1,000 seats...

5. [+76, -11] Please just stay in Korea. I don't want foreigners to judge the level of talent in Korea off of you guys. It's an embarrassment to the country. If all you're going to do is dance, be back dancers. Don't call yourselves singers when you're clearly not.

6. [+79, -15] I doubt they even have fans over there when they're a third tier girl group even in Korea;;

7. [+77, -19] Cube's rushing things too much tsk tsk. I don't know why they're so desperate to try to become a top 3. 4minute isn't ready for the overseas market when they're not even competitive enough in Korea. They don't have popularity, no hit songs, can't sing or dance... What are they going to do a concert with?

8. [+66, -10] Don't sing live... It'll be an embarrassment to the country.

9. [+61, -9] They can't even hold a concert in Korea ㅋ

10. [+49, -5] Is this a joke? What're they even going to make off of a concert with 1,000 people???? So frustrating.. Just stay in Korea.
