Akdong Musician gives preview of debut title tracks

Reader request.


Article: 'Debut' Akdong Musician, first reveal of their new song... innocently matured

OSEN via Naver

1. [+596, -35] Finally it's arrived

2. [+423, -19] Hul, I love it ㅠㅠ AkMu, do well

3. [+301, -15] Work hard, fighting

4. [+283, -15] Looking forward to more great songs for you guys

5. [+84, -12] To all the people criticizing them on their looks, have you looked in the mirror yourself? Why like a singer based on their looks? Look in the mirror before you criticize someone else.

6. [+75, -7] People say 200% is really great, I want to listen to it quickly too ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

7. [+78, -11] Don't say they look like orcs, a singer should be judged on their singing talent, not their face
