Zinger's new look begins to shine

Article: SECRET Jung Hana, is it really Zinger? 'eyes locked' on goddess beauty

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+429, -48] She looks better than before... and has a different feel to her look now that she's gotten work done. She looks like a young woman. She definitely made the right decision to get work done... Even though it looks like it must've hurt a lot, I applaud her for sticking through it and making the effort to change.

2. [+331, -37] It looked awkward at first but the more I see her face, the more I think she made the right decision to get work done.

3. [+273, -29] Netizens give me goose bumps. Every time they saw her, they'd comment about how she was chubby or ugly, even when she got in a car accident... saying that they wished she never got better because she's so ugly. Now that she actually does something about it and gets work done, they call her a plastic monster... Are you all psychopaths? Making fun of someone's looks will leave wounds, imagine how much self esteem she lost? I feel so bad for her.

4. [+13, -0] It's like she has a new face on

5. [+12, -8] Sigh, she's becoming another plastic monster. That's why people say it's hard to stop plastic surgery once you start, you become addicted to it like Park Bom and Ock Joo Hyun. Stop before you regret it later.

6. [+11, -4] I wonder if the company made her do it. I'd be so embarrassed, considering she's a celebrity with her old face already known public wide.

7. [+10, -7] She got prettier...

8. [+9, -4] She's Gangnam style now.
