T-ara to feature in Jo Young Soo's 'First Love'

Article: T-ara to release a new track 'First Love' on the 20th... tango pop dance

OSEN via Naver

Jo Young Soo's signature album 'All Star' will feature T-ara in its first track release titled 'First Love'.

1. [+841, -56] Hul... again...

2. [+815, -60] I want to install a computer in their homes so they will look at the internet.

3. [+677, -61] So persistent

4. [+636, -60] Knock it off already

5. [+503, -50] Since it's time for everybody to be getting ready for work, I guess I'll come back in a few hours to read comments.

6. [+138, -16] Where are they getting the money to still release albums?

7. [+127, -9] Their CEO is smart. They know that Koreans simmer down as fast as they fire up on topics. He knows that they just have to turtle for a few years, maybe around five, and people will have forgotten about it.

8. [+108, -11] No point when they'll be buried by Soshi anyway...
