Stars suffer from increasingly killer schedules

Article: ['Killer Schedules'] Putting lives on the line... the cruel world of celebrity schedules

Source: MBN via Naver

1. [+2,349, -82] A hundred articles like this could be released and not a thing will be done to help the issue. Companies have the mindset of working someone to death to get the most out of them while they're doing well. Look at Kim Soo Hyun. He only sleeps an hour a day.

2. [+2,204, -152] But they earn that much more money

3. [+2,053, -173] Whine about being popular~ whine about not being popular~ Do celebrities think they're the only people with difficult jobs in the world? We're all sweating here.

4. [+422, -18] ㅋㅋㅋ Do they think non-celebrities who work office jobs just fool around at work?

5. [+361, -9] At least you guys make a lot of money... non-celebrities have to study their asses off to even get a chance at getting a decent job.

6. [+342, -21] You make that much more money~ Your job doesn't even require you to think. So many dumb celebrities around.

7. [+252, -6] Then quit. Do celebrities think other people make money by sleeping all they want?

8. [+253, -13] What did they expect when they decided to become celebrities anyway?


Source: Nate

1. [+115, -5] But reality is that there is a long line of people willing to go through such schedules for a chance in the spotlight

2. [+112, -18] Celebrities are so full of themselves

3. [+84, -16] The only people who feel bad for these celebrities are their fans. There are people all over the world who would drop everything to take such a job off their hands.

4. [+16, -4] No one forced you to do it.. Cut some schedules back. We all know you're taking more on for the money. Don't act like you're the victims... that's gross.

5. [+8, -0] At least they make a lot of money... so many non-celebrities who suffer at work for penny paychecks.
